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The Lithuanian artist and musician, who received the Golden Lion for her work SUN AND SEA at the Venice Biennale, returns to Stuttgart. To kick off the season, she is developing a choral work with Stuttgart residents who have one thing in common: they consider themselves tone deaf or they have been told to be singing ‘out of tune’. And they sing not just anywhere, but in the former department store in Eberhardstraße.
This site-specific, music-theater intervention is a meditation on the question of what we consider beautiful, and who is heard. Here, polyphony is sung about and the deviation from any kind of standardization.

The text for the performance is taken from the novel “Living in a Land” by Sean Ashton, which consists mainly of things that the narrator has never done, no longer does or will never do again. As a study of the conceivable and the actual the personal and the universal, idiocy and logic, black and white, circles and squares, utopias and realities, renting and buying.




TEXT: Living in a Land by Sean Ashton (extracts)

MUSIC: Lina Lapelytė with improvised material by John Butcher (saxophone); Angharad Davies (violin); Rhodri Davies (harp); Lina Lapelytè (violin, keyboard).

PERFORMERS: Michaela Baier, Kira Burkeljca, Thea Marie Eilers, Anna Eberhard, Paco Ladrón, Ksenija Labudović, Seung Hwan Lee, Andrea Lotter, Karolina Kosakowski, Ali Qaddura, Julia Rochlitzer, Nazanin Sahamizadeh, Julian Sturz

COSTUME DESIGN: Eglė Čekanavičiūtė (Gowns for Sport)

Gabrielė Golubovičiūtė

SCENOGRAPHY, PLANTS: Bureau Baubotanik

Performance originally commissioned and produced by Lafayette Anticipation, Paris


Guided event format with a limited number of people
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.

A co-production of Studio Lapelytė with Lafayette ANTCIPATIONS foundation, Lilith PERFORMANCE STUDIO, Homo Novus Festival and ACT: Art. Climate. Transition.

The local adaptation in Stuttgart is made possible by RAMPE in cooperation with the Festival der KulturRegion Stuttgart and is funded by the Zero – Klimaneutrale Kunst- und Kulturprojekte program of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes.

Funded by the Beauftragte der Bundesregierung für Kultur und Medien. With the kind support of the Fachbereich Kulturelle Stadtentwicklung des Kulturamts, the Ordnungsamt, as well as the Liegenschaftsamt der Landeshauptstadt Stuttgart.

Dates / Tickets


Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Attention: The performance will not take place at RAMPE, it will instead happen in the former department store at Eberhardstraße 28.
Questions about the tickets?
Simply call or send an e-mail: 0711-620090915 / ed.epmarretaeht@netrak