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– ∞ < I < + ∞ [IN BETWEEN] (AT)

What is a hand? What images and narratives have we internalised of it? What meaning does mainstream society attribute to it? Why are two seemingly healthy hands so important? (Where) do we find intersections of disability, queerness and class on the body? (And how) can a hand be performed in an accessible way for all?
And what happens (not only on stage) when a person walks between ones and zeros? The hand as a starting point for a possible performance, as a symbol for a life with disability.

Steven Solbrig is interested in exploring these and other questions in the framework of a Freiraum residency with an artistic research, under the working title “In Between”. In this research, the hand as a symbol for a life with a disability, for internalised attributions, beliefs and devaluations, will be the starting point for a possible performance.
Using their own biography, Steven Solbrig searches for the meaning of the hand in culture, politics, religion and science, for the intersections of disability, queerness and class. Solbrig gives an insight into the artistic research, inviting guests and audience to talk about their own internalised body ideals, which will always ultimately lead to a binary thought pattern, don’t they?

In search of moments of aesthetic inclusion of accessibility, Solbrig invites non-disabled and disabled guests to a first showing, a feedback session and a conversation on internalised beauty/body ideals.

Performance Talk Try Out
There are going to be spezific light situation, stroboskop and loud sounds.
Ableism and violence directed at disabled people will be discussed.

The FREIRAUM residency is realised by the Netzwerk Freier Theater – this project is funded by the Bundesbeauftragte für Kultur und Medien in the programme “Verbindungen fördern” of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. (Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts).

Dates / Tickets

– ∞ < I < + ∞ [IN BETWEEN] (AT)

Questions about the tickets?
Einfach anrufen oder E-Mail schreiben: 0711-620090915 / ed.epmarretaeht@netrak