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Performing the Archive

Over the time, people who make theatre accumulate countless memories – in heart and brain, in cellars and boxes. Together with Herbordt/Mohren and RAMPE, the DIGITALE ARCHIV DER FREIEN DARSTELLENDEN KÜNSTE invites you to take a look into the archives, sift through the treasures of the past and tell stories.


12.00, RAMPE

General meeting of INITIATIVE FÜR DIE ARCHIVE DER FREIEN DARSTELLENDEN KÜNSTE E.V. at RAMPE. Curious guests are welcome! The association is the sponsor of the project DIGITALES ARCHIV DER FREIEN DARSTELLENDEN KÜNSTE. In close exchange with the independent scene, the project team is developing a publicly accessible digital platform on which documents and materials of artistic productions and working processes can be found.


Food performance and lunch by and with Marcus Bergmann

3.00 p.m., SCHAUDEPOT

Cultural policy positions on archive projects in Baden-Württemberg (with Marc Gegenfurtner, Kulturamt Stuttgart, and others)

3.30 p.m., SCHAUDEPOT

DAS SCHAUDEPOT by Herbordt/Mohren is both an art project and a library of performances. To browse, borrow or experience live. A catalogue lists all available performances: like in a theatre on demand. The SCHAUDEPOT is an archive, research facility, material store and event venue all in one. Open to the neighbourhood as well as to international guests. Herbordt/Mohren will give a guided tour of the collection.

4.30 pm, RAMPE

ARCHIVE DIALOGUES: För Künkel and Estrella Jurado invite you to bring an object from the history or present of the independent performing arts that you would like to archive – be it a ticket or material from your own artistic practice. The artists will relate the objects to their own historical collections and, in open conversation with the audience, search for common threads, unsuspected ancestors and traditions.

Admission is free of charge. If possible, please register by 15.10. at wilma.renfordt(at) and let us know if you would like to visit all or only some of the programme points of the day.
Dates / Tickets

Performing the Archive

12 am till 2 pm: open memvber assembly. 4 thirty pm "Archive-Dialog"
Questions about the tickets?
Einfach anrufen oder E-Mail schreiben: 0711-620090915 / ed.epmarretaeht@netrak