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In her artistic practice, Lulu Obermayer stages encounters with female figures from the canon. Named after a title heroine herself, the artist now confronts her namesake in the solo performance Lulu and reflects herself in the dramatic figure. Lulu is considered a projection surface of male fantasy, people seem to agree on who Lulu is: a femme fatale who brings ruin to herself and those around her. It is claimed that Lulu acts as a mirror. But which Lulu is looking back at when Lulu looks in the mirror?

To create a more complex image of the character, the artist traces sources associated with Lulu and evokes a séance-like setting, invoking her predecessors and bringing them into conversation. The monologue thus becomes a dialogue. She draws on the plays Der Erdgeist and Die Büchse der Pandora by Frank Wedekind, and the autobiography by Tilly Wedekind Lulu, Die Rolle meines Lebens, the film Pandora’s Box by G.W. Pabst and the memoirs of Louise Brooks Lulu in Hollywood, as well as the opera Lulu by Alban Berg.

Performance Theater


HOLOGRAM PERFORMANCE: Mireille Capelle, Margareta Klobucar,



MAKE UP: Marlena Fink

COSTUME: Pele Pedrag Petrovic



Early Boarding und Audiodeskription

A production by Lulu Obermayer. Funded within the framework of FREISCHWIMMEN by the Bundesbeauftragte für Kultur und Medien as part of the program “Promoting Connections” of the Bundesverband Freie Darstellende Künste e.V. (Federal Association of Independent Performing Arts). With the kind support of the Cultural Department of the City of Munich.

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